Developer documentation

Core code

Style sheets

This section presents the style sheets used for CodeChat webpages.


To run the tests, execute pytest test from the root directory of the project.

Documentation generation

To build the documentation, execute sphinx-build -d _build/doctrees . _build from the root directory of the project.


Ideas / todo items

  • Implement caching and correct styling for - A CodeChat preprocessor for mdbook.

  • Introduce a new directive such as code-ref that allows referencing names in the code. Use ctags to generate these references.

    • Perhaps :code-ref:`optional-source-file.ext::scope-0::scope-1::...::scope-n <optional name>`.

    • Provide an output-independent function to run ctags on a list of source files, then read the tags into a data structure:

         # A relative path to the source file.
         # A dict of names in this source file.
            # Include both all names in the top-level scope plus any
            # non-conflicting name in a lower scope. That is, given a
            # variable named ``foo::bar``, this dict would contain both
            # ``foo`` as the top-level scope and ``bar``, unless there
            # was another variable named ``zot::bar`` in the same file
            # (meaning that ``bar`` isn't a unique name).
            # Information about this name:
               # The line number where this name was defined.
               # If this name defines a scope containing more names,
               # this contains them, again as a ``Dict[int, Optional
               # [Dict]]``.
    • Provide per-output ways to embed this in the output.

    • Profile this to see what’s slow.