- A CodeChat preprocessor for mdbook

mdbook allows preprocessors to modify the provided source before processing it with a Markdown engine. This preprocessor transforms source code in files collected by mdbook into Markdown based on CodeChat.

See the mdbook template for an example of how to integrate CodeChat with mdbook.

See the mdbook docs on configuring preprocessors and preprocessors in the For Developers chapter for more information.


These are listed in the order prescribed by PEP 8.

Standard library

import sys
import json
from pathlib import Path

Third-party imports

import pygments.util

Local application imports

from CodeChat.CommentDelimiterInfo import SUPPORTED_GLOBS
from CodeChat.CodeToMarkdown import code_to_markdown_string
from CodeChat.SourceClassifier import get_lexer


This is the heart of the program: given a list of sub_items, walk the list, transforming source code to Markdown.

def process_sections(sub_items, source_suffixpatterns, lexer_for_glob):
    for section in sub_items:

If this is a chapter, instead of a section title / separator / etc., process it. (Note that separators aren’t a dict, but instead the string “Separator”.)

        chapter = None if isinstance(section, str) else section.get("Chapter")
        if chapter:
            source_path = Path(chapter["source_path"])
            content = chapter["content"]

Don’t process Markdown files. Try everything else.

            if source_path.suffix != ".md" and is_supported_language(
                source_path, source_suffixpatterns

See if it’s an extension we should process.


See if source_file matches any of the globs.

                    lexer = None
                    for glob, lexer_alias in lexer_for_glob.items():
                        if source_path.match(glob):

On a match, pass the specified lexer alias.

                            lexer = get_lexer(alias=lexer_alias)

Do this after checking the lexer_for_glob list, since this will raise an exception on failure.

                    lexer = lexer or get_lexer(filename=str(source_path), code=content)

                    chapter["content"] = code_to_markdown_string(content, lexer=lexer)
                        f"Converted {source_path} using the {} lexer.",

                except (KeyError, pygments.util.ClassNotFound):

We don’t support this language.


                chapter["sub_items"], source_suffixpatterns, lexer_for_glob

Return True if the provided filename is a source code language CodeChat supports.

def is_supported_language(filename, source_suffixpatterns):
    for source_suffixpattern in source_suffixpatterns:
        if filename.match(source_suffixpattern):
            return True
    return False


def main():

See if this is asking for renderer support, or for an actual render.

    if len(sys.argv) > 1:

Renderer support – html only.

        sys.exit(len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[1:2] == ["supports", "html"])

Delay imports until this point, so the first phase of the build (detecting support, which is handled above) can run without these. Load both the context and the book representations from stdin.

    context, book = json.load(sys.stdin)

Get the lexer_for_glob dict.

    lexer_for_glob = context["config"]["preprocessor"]["CodeChat"]["lexer_for_glob"]
    source_suffixpatterns = SUPPORTED_GLOBS | set(lexer_for_glob.keys())

Walk through each file, rendering it if possible.

    process_sections(book["sections"], source_suffixpatterns, lexer_for_glob)

Dump the updated book back to mdbook via stdout.


if __name__ == "__main__":