- Unit testing

This test bench exercises the CodeToRest module. First, set up for development (see To package). To run, execute py.test from the command line. Note the period in this command – pytest does NOT work (it is a completely different program).


These are listed in the order prescribed by PEP 8.

Library imports



Third-party imports



Local application imports

from CodeChat.CodeToMarkdown import code_to_markdown_string, _fence, codechat_style

Define the Markdown put at the beginning of any the outputs of code_to_markdown_string.

prolog = codechat_style + "\n\n"

Transform source code into its equivalent Markdown.

def code(code_str):
    return _fence + "\n" + code_str + _fence + "\n"

_generate_rest inserts a <div> to format indented comments followed by a set-line directive to show line numbers of the comments correctly. This function generates the same string.

def div(

The size of the indent, in characters.


Each space = 0.5 em, so a 3-space indent would be size=1.5.

    return '\n<div class="CodeChat-indent" style="margin-left:{}em;">\n\n'.format(
        size * 0.5

The standard string which marks the end of a <div>.

div_end = "\n</div>\n\n"

class TestCodeToMarkdown(object):

Provide a simple way to run a test.

    def run(self, code_str, expected_md_str, alias):
        md_str = code_to_markdown_string(code_str, alias=alias)
        assert prolog + expected_md_str == md_str
        return md_str

Test pure code.

    def test_1(self):"x = 1", code("x = 1\n"), "Python")

Test only a comment.

    def test_2(self):"# Testing", "Testing\n", "Python")

Test an indented comment.

    def test_3(self):
            "# Testing\n" "    # 1, 2, 3\n",
            "Testing\n" + div(4) + "1, 2, 3\n" + div_end,

Test an indented comment with code.

    def test_4(self):
            "def foo(x):\n" "  # Testing\n" "  x = 1\n" "  # 1, 2, 3.\n",
            code("def foo(x):\n")
            + div(2)
            + "Testing\n"
            + div_end
            + code("  x = 1\n")
            + div(2)
            + "1, 2, 3.\n"
            + div_end,

Test a syntax error in Python code.

    def test_5(self):
            " x = 1",
            "# Error\n"
            "SyntaxError: unexpected indent (line 1). Docstrings cannot be processed.\n"
            + "\n"
            + code(" x = 1\n"),